Friday, August 14, 2009

Is Milk Really Good For You? Evidence Mountng...

Evidence Mounting For Case Against Milk In Our Diets

By Sally Lehrman, Natural Solutions

The dairy industry portrays milk as an essential part of a good diet and our best bet for staving off osteoporosis. Should you buy it?

Denise Jardine had loved dairy products since she was a kid. You could even say she shaped her day around them. She’d start out with cream in her coffee and low-fat milk on her cereal. Lunch might include cheese or yogurt, and instead of sipping soda, she quaffed milk. Often she’d finish off the evening with a little ice cream.

Not an unfamiliar scenario to many Americans, no doubt. Every year, we down more dairy products: Sales are at their highest since 1987, reaching an annual total of 594 pounds per person. And the chorus of voices urging us to eat still more just got louder: The federal government’s new food pyramid for 2005 pumps up recommended dairy intake to three cups of milk per day, compared with two in the earlier version.

But evidence is accumulating that milk and milk products may not be the wholesome, ideal foods we think they are. A growing number of activists, nutritionists, and heart and bone specialists say the health benefits of dairy have been vastly oversold. The science simply isn’t there, says Amy Joy Lanou, the director of nutrition for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington, D.C.

“Milk has a lot of calcium and other nutrients, but there is a large body of evidence that it may not be the best nutritional package for some people–maybe a lot of people.”

What’s more, dairy may actually be causing health problems in many people. Digestive problems plague the up to 50 million Americans who are lactose intolerant. And whole milk and cheese, of course, are notorious for being loaded with saturated fat, which not only adds to waistlines but also threatens our hearts. But that’s not all: Recent research has shown that some milk contains trace amounts of rocket fuel–hardly a wholesome substance. And though the evidence isn’t conclusive, some studies suggest that drinking lots of milk may raise the risk of ovarian and prostate cancers.

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Information contained herein is for educational purposes only.

Acknowledgedly No Cure

(Acknowledgedly) there is no ethical treatment for:

Irritable Bowel Snydrome
According to Julie of LocalWin

Though in gastroenterology, irritable bowel syndrome has been defined as a functional bowel disorder; a significant question remains unanswered – whether the irritation refers to the affected person or is it experienced by the medicine man who gets vexed by being unable to diagnose the disease. The irritation on part of the former is nevertheless, understandable – he/she has to rush to the toilet in the middle of a session at 2 in the afternoon which under normal circumstances would have been considered preposterous and most inappropriate, and yet it becomes a ‘must’ to save the situation. Another issue is equally relevant with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and that relates to its ‘discovery’. Abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, occasional blood stool, etc accompanies many other human disease conditions that seldom becomes ‘irritable’, whereas, IBS seems to have a self-appointed displeasure attached to it.

However, there seems to be some fine line of demarcation between diarrhea in a normal person and the same with a person with IBS. One affected with IBS may have a loose motion for a couple of days and then suddenly develop constipation for the next couple of weeks. Also bizarre are the abdominal pain pattern that accompanies IBS. It appears to shift from one abdominal region to another as the disease (or its manifestation) progresses. It is probably the unpredictability of the uneasiness that defines IBS best.

Also, as the disease has not yet been fully defined, its cure obviously has not been in sight. However, several chronic conditions are often linked with IBS like celiac disease, parasitic infections like amoeboid contamination or giardiasis, cholangitis, cholecystis, inflammatory bowel diseases, functional chronic constipation and chronic functional abdominal pain. In IBS, routine clinical tests yield no abnormalities, though the bowels may be more sensitive to certain stimuli, such as balloon insufflation testing. The exact cause of IBS is unknown. The most common theory is that IBS is a disorder of the interaction between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract, although there may also be abnormalities in the gut flora or the immune system.

Apart from having gastroesophageal reflux, the primary symptoms of IBS include abdominal discomfort, sudden impulse to visit the toilet with a feeling of incomplete evacuation (tenesmus), abrupt change in bowel movement, bloating or abdominal distention and a host of pseudo-imaginary stomach ailments. People with IBS also often complain about symptoms relating to genitourinary system, fibromylagia, backache and headache. IBS may also take the form of diarrhea-predominant (IBS-D), constipation-predominant (IBS-C) or alternative type, i.e. (IBS-A). Those who have developed IBS after suffering from some infective disease conditions are often branded under post-infective syndrome or simply IBS-PI.

As there is neither any pathological testing system that can identify IBS or any imaging procedure to pin point IBS, the only method of diagnosing IBS stems from negative approach. In other words, diagnosis of IBS involves excluding conditions that can manifest IBS-like symptoms and then taking up procedures to identify IBS. However, since there are quite a good many causes of diarrhea and IBS-like symptoms, the American Gastroenterological Association has published a set of guidelines for tests to be performed to diagnose other conditions that may have symptoms similar to IBS. While these include lactose intolerance, gastrointestinal infections and coeliac disease, practical experience proves that the guidelines are seldom followed. What happens instead consist of practicing various diagnostic algorithms. Some of the superior algorithms include Rome I Criteria, Rome II Process and Manning Criteria. Incidentally, the controversial Rome III Process has been published about a couple of years ago, which, unfortunately, has not been able to throw enough light on IBS or its probable cure.

One of the most significant points about IBS is that it is a so-called functional disorder, suggesting that it does not have any underlying structural cause. And this may differentiate it from two other chronic digestive diseases that are caused by inflammation, namely, Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis, commonly known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD. Chances are that people often tend to mix up IBS and IBD though quite different in nature.

Since there is no ethical treatment of IBS, doctors often prescribe peppermint oil which acts as antispasmodic in the intestinal tract. Although peppermint tea is widely used to aid digestive troubles, if you’re treating IBS it’s probably better to take a standardized dosage on a consistent basis. For this you’ll probably want to get capsules and the best of these are enteric-coated, meaning that they have a special covering that prevents breakdown in the stomach, which can cause heartburn, and allows for passage down through the intestines for proper absorption. Also significant is the consumption of soluble fibers that include oats, legumes (beans, peas, lentils), fruits and berries. However, trial and error method perhaps suits the condition best.

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Information contained herein is for educational purposes only.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Coffee, Dehydration and Hemorrhoids




You can help prevent the irritating and painful symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Avoid constipation

  • Eat more fiber. Include foods such as whole-grain breads and cereals, raw vegetables, raw and dried fruits, and beans. Limit your intake of low- or no-fiber foods, such as ice cream, soft drinks, cheese, white bread, and red meat.
  • Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. Avoid liquids that contain caffeine (such as coffee and tea) or alcohol. These liquids may cause dehydration, which can lead to constipation.
  • Stool softeners containing bran or psyllium can be helpful. You can save money by buying bran or psyllium (available in bulk at most health food stores) and sprinkling it on foods or stirring it into fruit juice. Avoid laxatives, another type of medicine that affects the bowels, because they may cause diarrhea, which can irritate hemorrhoids.
  • Avoid foods and beverages that seem to make your symptoms worse. These may include nuts, spicy foods, coffee, and alcohol.
  • Regular, moderate exercise, along with a high-fiber diet, promotes smooth, regular bowel movements.

Practice healthy bowel habits

  • Go to the bathroom as soon as you have the urge.
  • Avoid straining to pass stools. Relax and give yourself time to let things happen naturally.
  • Avoid holding your breath while passing stools.
  • Avoid reading while sitting on the toilet. Get off the toilet as soon as you have finished.

Modify your daily activities

  • Avoid prolonged sitting or standing. Take frequent short walks.
  • If possible, avoid lifting heavy objects frequently. If you must lift heavy objects, always exhale as you lift the object. Don't hold your breath when you lift.
  • If you are pregnant, sleeping on your side will lower pressure on the blood vessels in your pelvis. This can help keep hemorrhoids from becoming bigger

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Information contained herein is for educational purposes only.

Eat What Is Good For You

The Benefits of Berries
Red, Black & Blue are Berry Good for You!

Isn't it wonderful when something that tastes so yummy is also good for you? That's what you get when you enjoy the delicious, sweet flavor of berries. The pigments that give berries their deep red, blue, black and purple hues are powerful, disease-fighting antioxidants. It is believed that antioxidant-rich foods offer protection against conditions such as heart disease and cancer.

The scientific community measures the antioxidant levels in foods using the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) test. The higher the ORAC value, the more antioxidants a food provides.

Scientists have discovered that berries have some of the highest antioxidant levels of any fresh fruits. Raspberries, for example, contain an especially high level of antioxidants--three times more than kiwis and 10 times more than tomatoes.

The average serving of fresh or lightly cooked produce provides between 600 and 800 ORAC units. But berries blow these values away--one cup of blueberries has...

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